The Academic Liaison Office of the Universidad Aut├│noma del Estado de M├®xico (UAEM) and the University of North Texas (UNT)

Goël, Manuel & Fernando Gúzman
Year of Publication: 

The International Liaison Office which links the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México and the University of North Texas located in Denton, Texas has been functioning for 3 years. It consolidates an academic relationship which has been 11 years in the making, supporting increased publications, joint research activities and academic mobility. It also offers English language courses and helps develop joint degree programs. It provides an example of an office of a Mexican university located in the United States at the University of North Texas.

Event Information
Event Title: 
CONAHEC's 12th North American Higher Education Conference - Monterrey 2008
Event Description: 

Join leaders and practitioners of higher education, business, government and students in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico for CONAHEC’s 12th North American Higher Education Conference! North Americans share many historical, cultural, and linguistic bonds and many common issues to face. With the signing of NAFTA in 1994, our region has become inextricably linked by growing economic ties. Leaders in North America recognize that regional and individual community prosperity depends largely on the global competencies of our future professionals -- today's students. Governmental and educational leaders acknowledge that higher education institutions in North America must be more proactive and offer students opportunities to gain international expertise by becoming more internationally oriented while strengthening local connections in their teaching, research and public service functions.More than a decade after NAFTA was launched, it is increasingly evident that our region cannot isolate itself, but must rather develop stronger and more productive linkages both internally and with other world regions. Higher education has an important role to play in connecting North America with the rest of the world. Together, we will revitalize the North American higher education collaborative agenda for the new political, economic and educational context in which we live today.