CONAHEC Member Institution

Regional Organization

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education is a regional organization created by the Western Regional Education Compact, adopted in the 1950s by Western states. WICHE is an interstate compact created by formal legislative action of the states and the U.S. Congress. Fifteen states are members of WICHE.

WICHE began operations in 1953 in Eugene, Oregon, moving to its present location in Boulder, Colorado in 1955. WICHE is governed by three gubernatorally-appointed Commissioners from each state. Under terms of the Compact, each state commits to support WICHE's basic operations through annual dues established by the full Commission.

WICHE was created to facilitate resource sharing among the higher education systems of the West. It has implemented a number of regional activities to accomplish its objectives.PROGRAMS AND SERVICES includes projects and initiatives to address issues of regional telecommunications purchasing, resource sharing, and college access; it also includes WICHE's STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS to provide flexible, state-responsive higher education options for more than 17,000 students each year.

Western Undergraduate Exchange WRGP Western Regional Graduate Program PSEP Professional Student Exchange Program

POLICY ANALYSIS & RESEARCH conducts research and issues reports that emphasize options for states and institutions regarding higher education issues.

WCET is a national leader in helping states and institutions to use new technologies more effectively for improved education.

MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM helps member states improve their mental health systems and enhance the preparation of a qualified mental health workforce. WICHE is an interstate compact created by formal legislative action of the states and the U.S. Congress. Fifteen states are members of WICHE: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. WICHE works with its 15 member states to assure access and excellence in higher education for all citizens of the West. Several programs extend its reach nationally and internationally.

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombretrier par ordre décroissant Email Institutional Role Department Pays
Colalancia, Margo mcolalancia@wic... Primary Contact Student Exchange United States
Michelau, Demarée President Office of the President United States