Take the IAU 5th Global Survey! Due October 31st
Organizer: International Association of Universities
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Contribute to advancing Internationalization of Higher Education worldwide The International Association of Universities (IAU) invites your institution to take the 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education. Conducted since 2003, each IAU Global Survey provides a unique analysis of global and regional data on trends in the field of international higher education. The questionnaire is available online in ENGLISH, FRENCH and SPANISH. Should you wish to preview the questions, you can download a PDF version of the questionnaire. If your institution has already replied, please disregard this message.
Why should your institution participate?
Responding to the survey requires gathering data on your current internationalization policies and actions and reflecting on the purposes, areas of focus, strengths and resources associated with internationalization at your institution. This kind of evaluation process provides a perfect opportunity to get a clear picture of your internationalization activities, which eventually informs a strategic reflection for future developments.
Such a review of your institutional policies and activities will bring together all those involved in the overall internationalization processes, thus building new internal synergies between all stakeholders: academic leadership, members of the international office or any other office involved in international affairs (admission, student service, research), academics involved in international cooperation, local and international students, etc.
The IAU Global Surveys have become an invaluable resource for anyone interested in internationalization of higher education. This edition will also provide useful data for you to benchmark your processes against the others and develop new and innovative strategies. The more responses we collect internationally, the better picture of the global higher education landscape we will be able to draw up and share broadly.
Help produce an accurate analysis, contribute and invite your partner universities to do likewise!
Take the survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BB97JTJ
Read the executive summary of the report from the previous edition of the Global Survey and find out more about IAU's publications and services in internationalization of Higher Education on our website: https://www.iau-aiu.net/Internationalization
URL: https://www.iau-aiu.net/Internationalization
Contact Information
Contact Person: Giorgio Marinoni
Manager, HE and Internationalization policy and projects International Association Of Universities