CONAHEC News and Information

Tuesday, May. 23, 2017

President Trump's full budget proposal for fiscal year 2018, to be released Tuesday, calls for a $9.2 billion, or 13.5 percent, spending cut to education. The cuts would be spread across K-12 and aid to higher education, according to documents released by the White House.

Tuesday, May. 16, 2017

Sergio Alcocer Martinez, Investigador Titular C en el Instituto de Ingenieria de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, recibio por parte de la Universidad de Arizona (UA) el doctorado Honoris Causa en Ciencias, en reconocimiento a sus logros en el desarrollo de asociaciones entre Mexico y Estados Unidos.


Tuesday, May. 16, 2017

Los rectores de nuestras universidades siempre han desempeñado numerosos papeles dentro de sus instituciones. Son al mismo tiempo jefes administrativos, académicos, recaudadores de fondos y mentores.

Tuesday, May. 16, 2017

“Canadian universities will welcome unprecedented numbers of international students this fall, with some institutions seeing jumps of 25 per cent or more in admissions of students from abroad,” writes Simona Chiose for the Globe and Mail.

Thursday, May. 11, 2017

Four Canadian universities have appeared on a list of schools that the Times Higher Education has identified as “technology challengers,” or schools that “have innovation at the core of their strategy, strong industry links and research that excels in technological areas like engineering.” The University of... more

Monday, May. 08, 2017

Globalization has come centre stage in political debates around the world as the benefits of global supply chains to local workforces have been called into question by national populist movements. But, a new report from the OECD argues that enhancing international cooperation on skills policies is one way of ensuring countries reap the fruits of international industry.

Tuesday, May. 02, 2017

The Advisory Panel on Federal Support for Fundamental Science has proposed an agenda for Canada that will take the young and curious-minded who are ready to prove it and support them to become the next generation of Canada’s research leaders.

Monday, May. 01, 2017

The day began before 7 a.m. at the Baja Inn, where several members of the Cetys University women’s volleyball team had spent the night in preparation for a two-day trip to the United States. In sweatpants and warm-up gear, the players made a determined effort to get downstairs and out the door before other guests were even awake. These players live in Mexicali, home to a Cetys campus, a little more than two hours east of Tijuana.

Friday, Apr. 28, 2017

In a new report, the organisation urges Mexican and US universities and colleges to bolster support for faculty-led engagement and learn to work together to address issues of safety, access and reciprocity to ensure the long-term sustainability of cross-border collaboration.

Friday, Apr. 28, 2017

Las principales universidades públicas de los tres países que conforman el Tratado de Libre Comercio elaboraran un convenio a favor de la investigación científica.

Este fue el acuerdo al que llegaron el rector de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Enrique Graue Wiechers, quien recibió en su oficina a Peter McPherson, presidente de la Asociación de Universidades Publicas (APLU, por sus siglas en ingles).

En este contexto, la UNAM y la APLU unirán esfuerzos para convocar a sus homólogos y crear la alianza de universidades a favor de la ciencia.
