Programs & Services

CONAHEC advises and connects institutions interested in establishing or strengthening academic collaborative programs within the North American region and beyond.

In addition, we…

  Broker student exchange among member institutions.
CONAHEC’s Student Exchange Program uses tuition reciprocity among member institutions to facilitate semester or year-long exchanges in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico and other selected countries.  The program is open to students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in a wide variety of disciplines. Alternative exchange arrangements including internships, service learning, and short-term exchanges are also available.
  Convene the higher education community.
CONAHEC’s higher education conferences enable leaders and practitioners in higher education to meet periodically to address specific issues of relevance in international education and help to connect institutions in the region and with partners in other parts of the world.
  Provide online information and networking.
CONAHEC’s Web site is a primary online resource for information and discussion on international education issues.  Our portal environment allows users to tailor information to their interests and set up “alerts” for high priority issues.
  Conduct comparative research on educational policy issues affecting North America.
CONAHEC conducts periodic research and surveys aimed at providing member institutions with concise analyses of major trends and issues of relevance in international higher education.
  Provide professional development opportunities.
CONAHEC’s Professional Development Program delivers training on the differences among the national systems of higher education and on building successful cross-border partnerships, international grant proposal development, and internationalization strategies.  Also, in collaboration with peer organizations, CONAHEC provides opportunities for faculty, and administrative and support staff exchanges among member institutions.
  Prepare future leaders by involving students in the regional dialogue.
CONAHEC supports the Student Organization of North America (SONA), which serves as a framework for student-led cooperation across national boundaries.

Honor our social responsibilities.
CONAHEC’s EDUCAMEXUS program helps under-served communities gain access to and succeed in higher education programs.  It also assists higher education institutions in making their offerings more accessible.