"US-Mexico HE relationships at a 'critical juncture', says ACE"
In a new report, the organisation urges Mexican and US universities and colleges to bolster support for faculty-led engagement and learn to work together to address issues of safety, access and reciprocity to ensure the long-term sustainability of cross-border collaboration.
Fortifying higher education links is crucial at a time when “tensions between the two countries are at the highest point in decades”, argues the report, which catalogued and analysed an inventory of engagement activities between US and Mexican higher education institutions.
“The considerable resources and energy devoted to increasing collaboration in recent years, coupled with new challenges posed by the rapidly shifting political environment, make this a critical juncture in the US-Mexico higher education relationship.”
The report advocates for “a policy and programmatic emphasis on building sustainable partnerships—and enhancing the sustainability of existing activities”. https://thepienews.com/news/us-mexico-higher-education-relationships-at-a-critical-juncture-american-council-on-education/