Universidad Polit├®cnica de Valencia: Internationalization as a Key Issue. (PPT)

Caballero, Marta
Year of Publication: 

The Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) is a young institution, dating back only to the early 70s. Some of its schools, however, such as the School of Design Engineering, the Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy and the Faculty of Fine Arts, are over one hundred years old. Currently, the UPV community is made up of over 42,000 people, including nearly 37,800 students. UPV's international vocation permits an intense presence abroad, with branches in Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba and Uruguay among others. The institution has a strong emphasis on international exchange with 1200 outgoing and 2200 incoming students sent/received every year. It has a whole structure devoted to internationalization: 3 Vice-rectorates (Cooperation, International Actions and Exchange programmes); 15 International offices with an academic coordinator; and more than 55 people working in the whole structure. UPV is an active participant in international networks and projects: CONAHEC, TIME, MAGALHAES, ANUIES, SEFI, Erasmus Mundus and EU Projects. We continue to make progress, not only in consolidating our cooperation and exchange programmes, but also in initiating new joint ventures and in strengthening bonds with our partners. Our aim is to continue developing quality cooperation activities, joint programmes and student and staff exchanges mainly in the engineering and business studies areas.

Event Information
Event Title: 
CONAHEC's 12th North American Higher Education Conference - Monterrey 2008
Event Description: 

Join leaders and practitioners of higher education, business, government and students in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico for CONAHEC’s 12th North American Higher Education Conference!

North Americans share many historical, cultural, and linguistic bonds and many common issues to face. With the signing of NAFTA in 1994, our region has become inextricably linked by growing economic ties. Leaders in North America recognize that regional and individual community prosperity depends largely on the global competencies of our future professionals -- today's students.

Governmental and educational leaders acknowledge that higher education institutions in North America must be more proactive and offer students opportunities to gain international expertise by becoming more internationally oriented while strengthening local connections in their teaching, research and public service functions.More than a decade after NAFTA was launched, it is increasingly evident that our region cannot isolate itself, but must rather develop stronger and more productive linkages both internally and with other world regions. Higher education has an important role to play in connecting North America with the rest of the world.

Together, we will revitalize the North American higher education collaborative agenda for the new political, economic and educational context in which we live today.