CONAHEC Member Institution


The American Association of State Colleges and Universities was established in 1961 in response to: The growing impact of the federal government on higher education, particularly as it related to research grants and other grants-in-aid, had made it absolutely necessary that a strong national association be formed to represent the interests of students in state colleges and universities. AASCU grew out of the Association of Teacher Education Institutions that had been organized in 1951 to serve public comprehensive institutions most of them having begun as single purpose institutions, most of them normal schools.The American Association of State Colleges and Universities represents more than 430 public colleges, universities and systems of higher education throughout the United States and its territories.

The association has a four-fold purpose:

  • To promote appreciation and support for public higher education and the distinctive contributions of our member colleges and universities;
  • To analyze public policy, and to advocate for member institutions and the students they serve;
  • To provide policy leadership and program support to strengthen academic quality, promote access and inclusion, and facilitate educational innovation; and
  • To create professional development opportunities for institutional leaders, especially presidents, chancellors and their spouses.

Membership is open to any regionally accredited institution of higher education offering programs leading to bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees and wholly or partially state supported or state controlled. AASCU schools enroll more than 3 million students or 56 percent of the enrollment at all public four-year institutions.

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombresort descending Email Institutional Role Department Country
García, Mildred President -- United States
Jackson, Arlene Primary Contact International Education United States