CONAHEC Member Institution


The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) is an umbrella non-governmental organization comprised of 200 colleges, universities, schools, school boards, educational organizations and businesses across Canada.An elected Board of Directors from across Canada governs CBIE.

The President-CEO and a multilingual team of professionals administer CBIE activities from our headquarters in Ottawa, Canada's capital city. CBIE was founded in 1966, although our antecedents date to the 1940s.The Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) is an umbrella non-governmental organization comprised of 200 colleges, universities, schools, school boards, educational organizations and businesses across Canada.

Nationally, CBIE engages in policy development, research, advocacy and public information. CBIE is both a leader in shaping Canada's international education agenda and a highly recognized provider of professional development programs for Canada's international educators. CBIE manages vital services for foreign students in Canada.

Internationally, CBIE engages in cooperative projects in capacity building, institutional strengthening and human resource development. Our focus is on education at all levels, specialized training programs, civil society and public administration.

CBIE works in partnership with educational institutions, community-based organizations and governments in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, the Former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe.

Web site:

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombresort descending Email Institutional Role Department Country
Bezo, Larissa President Office of the President Canada
Dalkie, Karen Primary Contact Membership and Scholarships Canada