CONAHEC Member Institution

Public, 4-year

Eastern New Mexico University, a state institution offering bachelor's and master's degrees, serves students from New Mexico and around the world. Educational Programs are offered at the Portales campus and also by interactive distance education, public broadcast television, a university center in Ruidoso, New Mexico, and branch/community college in Roswell, New Mexico. 

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombresort descending Email Institutional Role Department Country
Ayala, Mary Primary Contact, Dean College of Liberal Arts and Sciences United States
Balch Lindsay, Suzanne suzanne.balch@e... Assistant Vice President Academic Affairs United States
Caldwell, Patrice patrice.caldwel... President Office of the President United States
Laurenz, Jamie jamie.laurenz@e... Vice President/Provost Academic Affairs United States
Reeder, Mei Study Abroad Coordinator Academic Affairs/International Education United States