CONAHEC Member Institution


The Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, is a public university located in Pachuca, the capital city of the State of Hildalgo, in east-central Mexico. The university was founded in 1869. It is the oldest, largest, and most respected research university in the state of Hidalgo. The main campus is located in historic, central Pachuca, and several satellite campuses are located in other parts of the state.

#71+ Latin America Rankings (2017) and #1001+ World University Rankings (2018) by Times Higher Education
#181-190th Latin American University Rankings (2018) by Top Universities

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombresort descending Email Institutional Role Department Country
Castillo Acosta, Octavio President / Rector Rectoría México
García López, Laura movilidad_entra... Incoming Mobility / Movilidad Entrante International Affairs México
Islas Pérez, Itzel Outgoing Mobility / Movilidad Saliente International Affairs México
Montero Soriano, Elizabeth depto_movilidad... Primary Contact - Head of Mobility Area / Jefa del Área de Movilidad International Affairs México
Sosa Martínez, José Luis joseluis_sosa@u... Director of International Affairs International Affairs México