CONAHEC Member Institution


Universidad Xochicalco (Xochicalco University), founded in 1979, has grown and is now made up by three campuses in the state of Baja California, Mexico. The three campuses are located in the cities of Ensenada, Mexicali, and Tijuana.

The University, in 2014, counted with: 2,007 students, 458 professors, 136 staff members, and 52 directors including the rector.

Universidad Xochicalco offers both undergraduate programs and graduate programs. Some of the undergraduate programs offered are: Administration, Architecture, Educational Science, International Commerce, Communication and Public Relations, Criminology, Law, Integrative Design, Pre-Med, Medicine, Marketing, Nutrition, Optometry, and Psychology. While some of the graduate programs include: Sustainable Architecture, Criminal Sciences, Law, Development of Community Projects, Multimedia Design, Teaching, Special Education, Marketing, Psychotherapy and Cognitive, Public Health, and Education.

The students practice a humanistic and innovative model of education, with the mission of giving back to the community as a professional society. This mission is delivered through the updated education programs, academic support, research, and an appropriate administration and infrastructure. 

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombresort descending Email Institutional Role Department Country
Piñuelas Osuna, Jorge Mario rectoria@correo... Rector Rectoría Mexico
Ramos Lugo, Jacqueline jacquelineramos... Primary Contact Asuntos Internacionales México
Álvarez Flores, Jair Gonzalo jalvarez@correo... Director of International Programs Asuntos Internacionales Mexico